Synergylabs Foundation

Committed to strengthening the bond between people and animals.

A portion of each sale is donated to support animal welfare initiatives. Part of our efforts include training and pairing service dogs with disabled veterans.

Each dog is trained to meet the needs of the recipient over 6 to 10 months. We cover all costs associated with acquiring and training each dog. Together, through strategic relationships with training professionals and veteran organizations, we are able to provide dogs with forever homes while helping those who have served our country.

Our Ways to help:

We Donate
Support Dog Training
Dogs and Veterans pairing

Meet the participants of the Program:

Paul & Elsa
We recently united Elsa, a trained service animal to Paul, a Navy veteran suffering from severe PTSD and night terrors. Elsa was trained to recognize unique sounds Paul makes in his sleep and provide compressions that relax him. Learn more about Paul’s journey below.
Paul & Elsa
We recently united Elsa, a trained service animal to Paul, a Navy veteran suffering from severe PTSD and night terrors. Elsa was trained to recognize unique sounds Paul makes in his sleep and provide compressions that relax him. Learn more about Paul’s journey below.
Mason & Alvin
Mason, a Marine Corps veteran suffering from Parkinson’s disease, received Alvin to help with stability and basic task that become increasingly difficult as his Parkinson’s develops. Learn more about Mason’s journey below.
Mason & Alvin
Mason, a Marine Corps veteran suffering from Parkinson’s disease, received Alvin to help with stability and basic task that become increasingly difficult as his Parkinson’s develops. Learn more about Mason’s journey below.